
there are certain unique traits in people that i really, really like. just one off things, i don't think it has anything to do with romantic or sexual attraction, it either intrigues me or just interests me.

i love people that walk on the balls of their feet with a bounce. i never noticed this until my foreman pointed it out/put a name to it, but i like the enthusiasm for life the walk seems to show. or the general disregard for being weird.

i also love people who laugh easily. both for my own sake (it makes me feel good when people laugh at my jokes) and i enjoy the joy their aura seems to have.i guess most of these things have something in common, i like people with positive and kind auras, which isn't unusual to like.

i LOVE people with gap teeth. probably to feel better about my own insecurities, but i like the uniqueness of it anyways. basically any trait that's not conventionally attractive that the person is proud of, i like confidence in uniqueness. 

i've always gotten along very well with musicians, i believe it is the ying/yang of artistic interests and abilities. i also like people who aren't afraid of playfulness, but still hold signs of maturity. although it does make me uncomfortable, i like people with large personalities, especially those who pull me out of my comfort zone. i love other "plant people", and people in the sciences that still have an open mind towards spirituality (both of those being somewhat narcissistic). 

i love people with a mature, maternal personality. i find them very easy to be around. i like people that are physically affectionate (another trait that gets me out of my comfort zone). i LOVE good senses of humor, especially dry/sarcastic or absurd humor.

as far as traits i dislike, i believe there are very few, and i can pinpoint exactly why i dislike the trait. i dislike people with a sense of entitlement or moral high ground (comes from being raised poor and christian). i refuse to be close to anyone with anger issues (comes from my household being very angry as a child). i hate whiny/emotional/cowardly people, especially men (comes from being an older sister and having a "tough" personality + a tendency towards femcel-ism). this has just recently started bugging me, but in growing as a person and gathering self worth, i now hate being treated as lesser or people being condescending towards me, especially if they're being underhanded.

talk to you another time!


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